Friday, November 26, 2010


Konvo? Ape itu konvo? Kenape perlu konvo? Ape pentingnye konvo? Kalau aku tak datang konvo ape jadi? Haishh... Inilah persoalan yang bermain di otakku sejak kebelakangan ni... Ni persoalan untuk diri aku.. Belum soalan dari member2x... dari saudara2x... Kau pergi konvo tak? Kalau tak pergi, kenape kau tak pergi konvo? Okay... Sekarang aku jawab dua soalan tu...

Kau pergi konvo tak ?
Tak... Aku tak pergi...

Kenape kau tak pergi konvo ?
Ha... Soalan ni ada macam2x pilihan jawapan bergantung kepada mood... Berikut adalah antara jawapan yang aku berikan...

a) Personal reasons... Full Stop... No questions asked...
b) Malas..
c) Diploma je...
d) Tak anc pun... So, tak payahla... Haha...
e) Suka hati aku lah... Nak pergi ke tak nak... Ape yang kau sibuk... Hahaha...

Iye... Banyak yang mempersoalkan kenape aku tak pergi konvokesyen ni... Aku tahu... Kita sama2x ambil diploma ni... 3 tahun bertungkus-lumus... Now is the time... Untuk menerima hasilnya... Berbangga... Sebab dah habis diploma... Tapi bagi aku... Aku rase aku tak boleh nak berbangga dengan pencapaian aku waktu diploma tu... Dan aku rasa aku tak layak untuk berada kat sana pada waktu ni... Lagipun... Hurmmm...

Janganlah risau... Sebab sekarang aku study degree... Same jugak dengan member2x aku... Degree pun nanti ada konvo jugakkan? Haha... So, aku lepaskan satu konvo ni, untuk konvo degree nanti... This is my last chance... So, aku akan buat yang terbaek untuk konvo degree nanti...

Boleh percaya ke ni? Haha..

Kick : Point Man mengucapkan selamat berkonvokesyen buat semua pelajar UiTM, especially batch Diploma in Investment Analysis, UiTM Segamat... Maaf sebab tak dapat join kowang... Aku pun sedeh jugak sebenarnye... Sayang same kowang... Hee... Bubye...


Entry ni mengandungi unsur2x 18sg... So, warning awal2x dulu... And mcm biase entri berikut xde kene mengena dgn sesiapa yg rase ade kena mengena...

So, superman... Watak superhero yg diminati ramai... Kalau tgk cite Smallville pun... Tu lah die Superman gak... To me, Superman ni agak mengarut gak... Mule2x tgk cool gak Superman nih... Power kuat nak mampus... Boleh shoot laser kat mata... Soalan paling besh waktu aq budak2x... Kenape Superman ni pakai spender kat luar... Ape jadahnye? Sampai skarang soalan tu tak terjawab dan masih bermain di satu sudut ruangan otak aq... Haha... Tpi yg buat xbes... Superman ni lemah dgn batu hijau atau Kryptonite... Kalo term bumi aq rase batu zamrud or jed kut... Sbb warna hijau... Haisshhh... Kuat2x cam 2 pun skali lemah dgn batu daaa... Mmg potong stim betul... Baru berangan nak jadi Superman... Isk3x..

Xpayahla berangan dik nak jadi Superman... Buat penat je... Haha

Oke la... Enough about that Superman... Aq sebenarnye nak cite pasal Superman lain... Superman yg ni lagu... Lagu dendangan artis bernama Eminem... Aq dari sekolah menengah suke dgr lagu2x die ni... Sbb ape... Ha... Itu yg xpasti tuh kan.. Haha.. Apepun lagu Superman ni pasal perempuan.. Haha... So, nah liriknye... Musik video die censored ckit... Xleh upload kat cni... Haha..

I know you want me baby I think I want you too...

I think I love you baby...

I think I love you too...
I'm here to save you girl,
Come be in shady's world,
I wanna grow together,
Let's let our love unfurl.
You know you want me baby,
You know I want you too,
They call me Superman,
I'm here to rescue you,
I wanna save you girl,
come be in Shady's world...

oh boy you drive me crazy...

Bitch you make me hurl...

They call me Superman,
Leap tall hoes in a single bound,
I'm single now,
Got no ring on this finger now,
I'll never let another chick bring me down,
In a relationship, save it bitch, babysit? you make me sick,
Superman aint savin shit, girl you can jump on shady's dick,
Straight from the hip, cut to the chase,
I'll tell a mo'fuckin slut to her face,
Play no games, say no names, ever since I broke up with what's her face,
I'm a different man, kiss my ass, kiss my lips, bitch why ask?
Kiss my dick, hit my cash, i'd rather have you whip my ass,
Don't put out? i'll put you out,
Won't get out? i'll push you out,
Puss blew out, copin shit,
Wouldn't piss on fire to put you out,
Am I too nice? buy you ice,
Bitch if you died, wouldn't buy you life,
What you tryin to be, my new wife?
What you Mariah? fly through twice,
But I do know one thing though,
Bitches they come, they go,
Saturday through sunday monday,
Monday through sunday yo,
Maybe i'll love you one day,
Maybe we'll someday grow,
Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...

'Cuz I can't be your superman,
Can't be your superman,
Can't be your superman,
Can't be your superman,
I can't be your superman,
Can't be your superman,
Can't be your superman,
Your superman, your superman...

Don't get me wrong,
I love these hoes,
It's no secret,
Everybody knows,
Can't we fuck?
Bitch so what?
That's about as far as your buddy goes,
We'll be friends,
I'll call you again,
I'll chase you around every bar you attend,
Never know what kind of car i'll be in,
[Woman Screaming]
We'll see how much you'll be partying then,
You don't want that,
Neither do I,
I don't wanna flip when I see you with guys,
Too much pride,
Between you and I,
Not a jealous man, but females lie,
But I guess that's just what sluts do,
How could it ever be just us two?
Never loved you enough to trust you,
We just met and I just fucked you,
But I do know one thing though,
Bitches they come they go,
Saturday through Sunday monday,
Monday through Sunday yo,
Maybe I'll love you one day,
Maybe we'll someday grow,
'Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...

Chorus 2x

I know you want me baby,
I think I want you too...

I think I love you baby...

I think I love you too,
I'm here to save you girl,
Come be in shady's world,
I wanna grow together,
Lets let our love unfurl,
You know you want me baby,
You know I want you too,
They call me Superman,
I'm here to rescue you,
I wanna save you girl,
Come be in shady's world...

Oh boy you drive me crazy...

Bitch you make me hurl.

First thing you said...

I'm not phazed,
I hang around big stars all day,
I don't see what the big deal is anyway,
You're just plain ol' Marshall to me...

Ooh yeah girl run that game...

Haily Jade...I love that name,
Love that tattoo...what's that say?
'rot in pieces' aww that's great...

First off you don't know Marshall,
Add also, don't grow partial,
That's ammo for my arsenal,
I'll snap you off that bar stool,
There goes another lawsuit,
Leave handprints all accross you,
Good lordy-wody you must be blown off that water bottle,
You want what you can't have,
Ooh girl that's too damn bad,
Don't touch what you can't grab,
End up with two back hands,
Put Anthrax on a Tampax and slap you till you can't stand,
Girl you just blew your chance,
Don't mean to ruin your plans,
But I do know one thing though,
Bitches they come they go,
Saturday through Sunday Monday,
Monday through Sunday yo,
Maybe I'll love you one day,
Maybe we'll someday grow,
'Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...

Chorus 2x

I know you want me baby,
I think I want you too...

I think I love you baby...

I think I love you too,
I'm here to save you girl,
Come be in Shady's world,
I wanna grow together,
Lets let our love unfurl,
You know you want me baby,
You know I want you too,
They call me Superman,
I'm here to rescue you,
I wanna save you girl,
Come be in shady's world...

Oh boy you drive me crazy...

Bitch you make me hurl.
Amek ko... Lyrics die strong giler... Banyak gune strong language... Pardon me for that... Aq taw xsume perempuan cam 2... Adelah sesetengah kan... Eminem ni pulak suke mencarut n marah dlm lagu2x die ni... Tu yg buat feel... Especially kalo geram dgn perangai perempuan camni... Haishhh... Aq taw ramai ade tafsiran masing2x pasal lagu nih... So, chill and be open bout it oke... Tu je la pasal Superman... Masing2x ade akal untuk fikir... Terpulang kalo korang nak percaya ke x cite ni... Mane taw aq buat2x ke kan... Haha...

Kick : Point Man minat watak Batman sbb die xde superpower... Sume gune mental dan fizikal manusia semata2x... Watak villain dlm batman lak sume psycho2x.. tu yg buat bes... Lagi skali diigtkan... Xde kene mengena dgn sesiape yg rase ade kena mengena dgn die atau org len... Sekian...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sleepless in Malacca...

Insomnia.... Do you guys know what the hell it is?... Haishhh... Ianye adelah penyakit xboleh tidur... And that's what happened to me and a few of my friends sejak kebelakangan ni... Dont know how, Dont know when, Dont know why,... So, dont ask me any of that...

Ade kebaikan dan keburukan.... Aq nak cite pasal kebaikan dulu... Kebaikannya adelah, kite boleh nikmati keindahan alam pada waktu malam... Mcm ni...

Okay, maybe not that one... Try this one...

Ha... Baru betul... Walaupun aq duduk kat Bandaraya Melaka yg indah ni... Aq still leh tgk pemandangan cam ni... Huhu... Cantek kan.. Hahaha...
Ada lagi kebaikan... Tpi aq akan ceritekan kat bawah nanti... Hehehe...

Next, keburukan lak...

Keburukannya... Aq penatla... Penat tapi xboleh nak tidur...


Skunk kebaikan die lakkk balik... Hehehehhe...
Kebaikan die, untuk aq lah, untuk orang laen aq xtaw r... Aq dapat berkenalan dengan seseorang... Hehe... Dapat berborak dengan kawan lama yg ade kat oversea (I'm not so lucky, xdpt sambung oversea T-T)... Dan yang paling best... Adelah pabila ade seseorang yg prihatin dgn masalah yg dialami ni... Dan mencuba untuk membantu kite settlekan problem ni... Time kaseh pade yang terlibat... Sayang kat aq lah tu...Hehehe...

So, moral of the story...
Xde moral... Aq penatla xdpt tido yg mencukupi... Xbagus utk tumbesaran kanak2x... Yg xpenah kene tu, jgnla buat ye... Haishhh... Wasalam...

P/S : Aq dah pekene nasi lemak 2 hari berturut2x dah ni... Makan makanan yg mengantukkan sume... Kalo mlm ni xboleh tido jugak... Xtaw la aq ape nak jadi... Dushhh...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


jangan lagi kau sesali keputusanku
ku tak ingin kau semakin kan terluka
tak ingin ku paksakan cinta ini
meski tiada sanggup untuk kau terima

aku memang manusia paling berdosa
khianati rasa demi keinginan semu
lebih baik jangan mencintaiku aku dan semua hatiku
karena takkan pernah kau temui, cinta sejati

berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini
dan jangan kau tangisi lagi
sekalipun aku takkan pernah mencoba kembali padamu
sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma
sebab rasa ku tlah mati untuk menyadarinya

semoga saja kan kau dapati
hati yg tulus mencintaimu
tapi bukan aku

P/S : Xde kene mengena kepada sesiape yg rase post ni ade kene mengena... Hahaha...